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Toplam 18 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
 %  20
Initiation a L'Islam (İslam'a Giriş - Fransızca)
Ce livre est un resume de tout ce qu'on doit savoir sur I 'Islam: Qui est le Prophete de I 'Islam? Le Coran est-il vraiment un livre revele? Comment pensent et vivent normalement les musulmans? Vous trouverez dans cet ouvrage la reponse a ces questions et a bien d 'autres: le mysticisme islamique la femme musulmane, le droit islamique I 'economie musulname la priere islamique la civilisation musulname... Une vue d 'ensemble sur la derniere religion revelee, conçue par un croyant et grand savant du 20eme sie
32 TL. 40 TL.
 %  20
Introduction to Islam (İslam'a Giriş - İngilizce)
There has been a wide demand for a correspondence course on Islam. In response ta this, a modest effort has been made with the help of several collaborators, particularly of Prof. M. Rahimuddin and the present seris of fifteen monographs has been prepared under the joint auspices of the Centre Cultural Islamique and the Mosque, in Paris. This will, it is hoped, give a general of the diverse aspects and problems of life. Each subject is a monograph in itself and self-contained, hence a certain repetition has
19.2 TL. 24 TL.
 %  20
Jalal Al-Din Al-Rumi
There is no doubt that Mawlana Jalal Al-Din Al-Rumi is most highly regarded of all Sufi poets. Annemarie Schimmel described his importance as follows: 'If there were ever an inspired writer among Muslim mystics, it was certainly Jalaluddin.' His literary output was great and he was also important for being the supposed founder of the brotherhood of the Whirling Dervishes called Mawlawis dur to his title, Mawlana, which means 'our master'
18.4 TL. 23 TL.
 %  20
The Basics of Islam (İngilizce)
This manual aims a contribution to ease the worries of the parents who in a busy industrial society desparate and helpless in providing their children with religious fuidance and istructions, and teaching them the Islamic way of belief and worship. Of teh prants who struggle to protech their children from being the victims of high pressure enviroment. It was prepared on the order of The Foundation of Turkish Religious Affairs in response to this urgend need.
14.4 TL. 18 TL.
 %  20
Erlaubtes und Verwehrtes (Helaller ve Haramlar - Almanca)
Ungeachtdessen gibt es Faktoren die uns veranlasst haben uns ebenfalls dieser Thematik anzunehmen: - Einige dieser Bücher gehen zu weit in die Einzelheiten wahrend bei anderen die materie zu knapp behandelt wird. -In unserer Zest und in unserer Lande sind neue Probleme aufgetreten die im Lichte der Aspekte erlaubt-verwehrt betrachtet werden müssen. -Es gibt in Türkischen kein zu deiser Thematik eigens verfasste Werke denen die Dinge übersichtlich und an schaulich dargestellt werden.
18.4 TL. 23 TL.
 %  20
Der İslam (İslama Giriş-Almanca)
 %  20
Ebu Şame El-Makdisi Ve'l-Mürşidül-Veciz
 %  20
Koran; Almanca Kur'an-ı Kerim Meali
Vakfımız Almanca Kur'an-ı Kerim Meali Max Hennig tarafından hazırlanmış ve mükemmel bir baskıyla istifadeye sunulmuştur.
48 TL. 60 TL.
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Toplam 18 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1